Landrover Defender Engines
We supply brand new bare long Landrover Defender Diesel Engines
2.4 Litre 140PS Diesel Engine – LR055432 – These engines are a brand new genuine unit, supplied bare long so you will need to swap over your existing ancillaries such as the fuel system and turbo and bolt on accessories.

- Faulty timing chain tensioner, when the engine rolls backward in gear it cocks the tensioner sideways, making the timing chain jump resulting in mistiming of the engine which then smashes the rocker box. All this can then cause damage to the cylinder head and sometimes pistons.
- The injectors can over fuel, thinning out the oil and causing the engine to seize.
- Some of the early blocks had issues with porous block castings, we supply later model blocks.
Our Brand new Defender engines come with a standard 6 Month parts warranty
Ask us about our Parts and Labour warranty or extended 12 months
Accessories and ancillaries
We can also supply brand new Land rover Defender injectors, injector pumps, vacuum pumps and turbos
We can freight these engines Australia wide, or in special circumstances, we can arrange overseas shipping